About Session:
Swashata will give you insight about what today’s front-end development terrain looks like, how much benefit it gives to us and how we can bring the same to our WordPress themes and plugins.
In this session you will learn about the modern front-end development techniques ES6+ javascript features, CSS compilers like SASS, LESS along with build-time asset optimization. For this people use different compiler setup like babel, sass and bundlers like webpack, parcel etc. Well, that’s a lot of tooling to learn and maintain, plus a overhead of time and cost. Swashata’s session will give you the solution for the same.
Speaker Information
Learner by heart Swashata started his career as a freelance web developer 10 years ago. Initially he by started creating WordPress themes and plugins for the community and for clients because creating attractive front-end application was fun. He created first commercial WordPress plugin 4 years back and it has been quite a journey since then.
A graduate in Computer Science he is founder of WPQuark serving clients all over the world. Being in love with WordPress, JavaScript and React he feels privileged to be a part of the ever changing and improving web technology. Swashata enjoys spending time with his loved ones at home along with his two adorable dogs.