
Bluehost is the Khaman-Dhokla (BRONZE) sponsor for the WordCamp Ahmedabad. We are glad to have their support to make the WordCamp happen. The whole WordCamp Ahmedabad team earnestly thank Bluehost for sponsoring the first WordCamp of Ahmedabad.

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price. With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence..

Sponsors are an essential part of the #WCAhmedabad. We can keep the ticket price low and arrange the special accommodations for Students and Professionals because of their extended financial support. While the in the Ahmedabad, please visit their booths, say hello to them and talk about their service and products. Visit the Sponsors page to know more about all helping hands of #WCAhmedabad.

WordCamp Ahmedabad #WCAhmedabad is over. Check out the next edition!